Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sleep Deprivation

I am so tired. Like, really. Really Really.

I cant remember the last time I actually slept through the night. And amazingly so, its not because of baby. My little boy started sleeping all of the way through the night when he hit 3 months old. I love him. No...for some other reason, I just dont sleep. I cant find a comfortable position at all. My RLS kicks in. I wake up almost every hour or so. Tossing and turn has nothing on me!

Some people say it could be stress. I sit back and go "Hmmm...yup! Could be that!" Talk about stress in life! Bills. I hate bills. And Shane not being paid enough, not getting his raises when he was supposed to. Insurance taking out about $300 or so a month then not even helping much to pay for my son's injury. My closest friend aside from Shane being accused of something he didnt do and is now sitting in jail (wow...thats a WHOLE rant of its own!) Come on stress...I dare you! Wait! No no please... (Haha please mr killer no)

Do you have any idea how much I would LOVE to just lay down, snuggle in my blankets and up to Shane, and just doze off into a good few hours of solid sleep? Mmm sounds delightful. The only way I can maybe sleep for a few hours straight is to force myself to stay up until at least 2AM...

Oh yes. And when I DO dreams try to keep me awake. Honestly subconsciense mind, why do you hate me so??

Really this is a pointless rant. Not even a rant. A complaint. Almost certaintly pointless to read. If you have gotten this far, I am sorry. I owe you all a better rant. Now I just have to find something to talk about other than how TIRED I am right now.