Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ah, the start...

Ok ok.
So, as many of you know, I keep a blog for my family. I want to make sure all my friends and loved ones know how we are doing. So whenever I happen to be able to sit down and think "Oh! I should update that!" I get on and talk about my adorable son and post pictures and praises.

Along with that, I have started a blog for my writing. I love to write. To express and dream and create. So I started a blog to try to get feedback and ideas and loving from people. So luck. But hey that is life. At least I am trying.

I am sitting here thinking about those blogs, and realize something horrible. I haven't taken any time anymore for...myself. I do not sit anymore and just let my mind go on crazy tangents that do not matter but make me sit back at the end and sigh happily. Oh, I have many a thing I could ramble about. But it just doesnt feel appropriate to rant in my family blog, because it isnt about fmaily. And it definitely isnt always about how my writing of my books is going. So what should I do?

I know! I should start yet ANOTHER blog...and this one my for ME.
Yes, I would love it if you read it. And I would doubly love it if you acutally commented. But I know how rare that is. It seems people love to read...but barely ever take the time to let you know THAT they read. So you sit here and ramble to the thin of of the intertron feeling like a totaly loner, yet feeling small weights of unchecked thoughts finally lift off of your slouched shoulders.

Ta-da. That is my first Jenni rant here at my new blog. *takes a bow*